o Sit down in a calm room with appropriate raw light.
o Look for patterns, familiar elements and additional means to break the material into groups of three to four familiar elements and annotate these observations as you go. Don't force any patterns and stop looking before substantial effort is involved for this step.
o Look into and note non rational relationships between the elements and your personal feel. The relationships do not need to be rational, only unforgettable and inspirational.
o Learn the primary objective.
o Read them without the paper.
o Interpret the first and secondary objective.
o Retell them out aloud till you will be able to say them without the paper.
o Read the first object, second, and third objects.
o Read them out loud until you are able to recall them.
o Repeat this action till you can read all the objective without the paper.
o At one time when you are at end of the listing, repeat the listing without interpreting it. Say it aloud 3 times.
o If you cannot do it all three times, start all over again.
o After you think you've memorized it all, take a 10-20 minute interval and set something that you will love for that 20 mins. This could be taking a walk, watching TV, talking on the phone, etc.
o If you are still having trouble, try creating a mnemonic device like a book or rhyme.
Visual Learners
o Sit in a peaceful environment with no distractions whatsoever.
o Color-code your data by what type of information it is. ex If you are doing memorizing history notes, then color code them by dates and people.
o Go through each color coded section, writing and rewriting them down until you can memorize the object.
o Lay a post-it or index card someplace you can see more like your cabinet or your bedroom door. Make certain to read it every time you go past it.
o Frequently write and rewrite the notes.
kinesthetic Learner
o When appropriate, be creative and act out or pretend to be the target, trying to mimic every detail of the target. While this may seem goofy, every time you see the object mimic it or picture your self mimicking the target in your head.
o If you're memorizing a chronological sequence of numbers such as PI, write down the individual lists on every flash card. Then personalize each flash card with drawings. After personalizing, scramble the cards and try to set them in order. Make certain that you get down the order somewhere or you'll never recall what the sequence was.
o When you are reading the notes, don't pressure yourself to memorize all the notes. You could blank out all the notes easily. Along reading it through some times or several will aid and you'll not forget it easily.
Tips on how to memorize?
o Do not get, settling with stress simply makes it tougher, so always relax.
o Act upon in segments and produce finishes for yourself. Memorize one segment, and then reward yourself and keep going.
o Sound out stuff out loudly. It sounds absurd, but saying stuff out loud aids your brain process it, therefore that it becomes easier to memorize.
o This is most effective before sleeping. It will most probably be fresher when you wake up.
o Be patient.
o If you are attempting to memorize something short, write it out on a note card and place the note card in a place you see often. if you see it, attempt to say it.
o When you have several things you need to memorize, write it out on flash cards, and read through it often. When you get it wrong, refresh it again, and when you get it correct, set it back in the middle of the pile. When you get one right the first time, place it behind of the pile.
o You could want someone to help you to memorize. They can take part by quizzing you, posting you queries, or making you recite the information for them.
o Do work in a quiet area wherever you're able to concentrate easily without any distractions.
o When you have problems with motivation it could work for you if you afford yourself a treat whenever you accomplish a target. Have raisins or a biscuit for instance after each memorized paragraph.
o Try not to sit down in the same room to memorize the two things. Your brain tries to subconsciously link what you are memorizing 2 things around you. When you have to recognize it, chances is that these objects won't be around you.
o It may assist you to use all the ways mentioned above if you don't really accept a particular technique of memorizing.